We know that learning is easier when you have an excellent teacher. That's why we help teachers partner with the greatest teachers in history - Plato, Homer, Aquinas, Shakespeare, and many more from our rich intellectual heritage.
JM Educational Group co-sponsors with a partner organization, ICLE, a number of programs for educators who seek to learn the content and pedagogy of the classical liberal arts tradition of education. In some cases, content of a faith-based nature is included. The relevant percentage of religious content is specified for each JM Educational Group program to assist with federal funding allowances. The U.S. Department of Education states, "To the extent that the conference is part of a sustained and comprehensive secular professional development plan for the teacher, then Title II, Part A funds may be expended to pay for the portion of the costs of the conference that, as determined by the LEA, represent the secular professional development in which the teacher participated."
JM Educational Group helps a school's faculty become united as a community of learners and develop a true faculty of friendship. From this vantage point, a true intellectual and cultural formation can thrive.
JM Educational Group is also producing the finest in new curricular materials, combining today's research and technology with the wisdom and learning of the past. We reject shifting political winds in favor of time-honored wisdom and how it comes to speak to the modern world. Currently, our History/Social Studies series is printed under the moniker CTP. We have written in the American spirit of freedom rather than highly-controlled state adoptions, so that our books can have honest scholarship, not writing out sectarian influences in history just because they are sectarian. Can any honest history reject the vast influences of religion on individuals, countries or cultures? No! Neither do the guarantees of the US Constitution reject religion. Therefore, CTP History books include such influences, always deeply attentive to the balanced presentation of sound history, by any serious scholar's yardstick. CTP books teach history to students in an enjoyable, balanced, scholarly, narrative manner, so even with the CTP moniker, it is suitable for all schools.
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